Construction: Punching Dagger

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This is a design I kicked around with.

I have strike tested this Katar and found that it actually works really well at softening the blows. This is a Vanguard Combat Society Approved design for the Katar or Punching Dagger as many have called it. Katardesign-1.jpg

What you will need 1 roll of Blue Camp Pad a small cardboard box Contact cement or glue a Nerf Football, Trimmed Duct Tape a Knife or Razor.

Instructions Step 1: Measure out and cut four 6" by 8" sections of the Blue Camp pad, Trim your Nerf Football by cutting 1" off the tip and cutting it in half by width, just to one side of the bulge, cut three 6" x 3" sections of cardboard.

Step 2: Layer the foam and cardboard where you want your grip and measure 1" inside from the bottom and side and 1" above that to create your grip area. Cut this out and then glue the pieces together in accordance with the diagram.