Zodiac (novel)

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Zodiac - Mass - USA.jpg

Mass market - USA.

Author Neal Stephenson
Published 1988-05-??
Type Fiction
Genre Thriller
Themes Eco-thriller
Age Group Adult

Zodiac is an eco-thriller novel by Neal Stephenson, published in May 1988, and his second published novel.

It's a story about a young Boston man who works for a not-quite-legal environmentalist organization and investigates companies that dump industrial waste. He suddenly find himself in much more danger than usual after trying to pin an especially toxic dump on a major corporation that doesn't have a problem with making people disappear.


Read?Audio book read by Ax Norman.

After becoming a fan of Stephenson from his later books, I wanted to read some of his earlier books as well, and this was the first one I could find.




— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The story is fun and exciting for the whole book.
  • Sangamon Taylor is a fun character who is both smart and crafty. Kind of like MacGyver, but who isn't afraid to do drugs.
  • The scientific details about various types of toxic waste are really interesting.


  • Although the Satanic-Panic of the 1980s was a big deal to ultra-conservatives, it all turned out to be a baseless religious fear. Because of this, it's hard to take seriously the villainous Satanists. It would be like making the villain of a 2010s book one of the ridiculous lies of Alex Jones.
  • The book is mostly a bro-fest. There are only a handful of women, and they only play minor roles.


  • Nothing.


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