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Uninvited - C64 - USA.jpg

Commodore 64 - USA - 1st edition.

Developer ICOM Simulations
Publisher ICOM Simulations
Published 1986-??-??
Platforms Amiga, Apple IIgs, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, Macintosh Classic, NES, Windows 3
Genres Adventure, Graphic adventure, Passive puzzle, Puzzle,
Themes Horror, Mystery
Series MacVenture
Distribution Commercial

Uninvited is a graphic adventure puzzle video game with a horror theme created by ICOM Simulations and first released on Macintosh in 1986, and then ported to a bunch of different platforms including the NES by Kemco on 1989-09-29. This was the second game in the MacVenture series, and the second to use the MacVenture engine.


Own?Yes. NES USA port. Partial box and cartridge.
Won?Yes. NES port.

I bought Uninvited because it appeared to be the same type of game as one of my favorites, Shadowgate. I got it as a used rental cartridge from Kroger along with Shadowgate and Déjà Vu. I got really far into the game when I first played it, but got bored of it and gave up. In 2010, I decided to try and beat it properly, and did.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
6 5 6 7 2

Best Version: NES

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The game's artwork is pretty good in most of the ports.
  • The interface is nicely intuitive.
  • The NES soundtrack, by Hiroyuki Masuno, is quite nice.
  • Several ports lets you print a certificate upon completing the game.


  • For a horror game, it's not very scary.
  • The maze in the back yard is a bit dull.
  • Aside from the NES, all of the ports lack music.


  • The red skull that drives you crazy and slowly kills you every couple dozen moves is very obnoxious. Only years later did I learn that starts when you pick up the ruby, and can be avoided all together if you just leave the item where is lies. I wish the game would indicate this in some way.


Box Art


There is also an official hint guide for the NES port, but I haven't been able to find it.




Longplay - Amiga.
Longplay - Apple IIgs.
Longplay - Commodore 64.
Longplay - NES.
Longplay - Windows 3.
Ways to die - Macintosh color.

Play Online

Amiga, Commodore 64, Famicom, Macintosh Classic, MS-DOS, NES, Windows 3


Strong female character?FailThe original games doesn't have any women (minus the skeleton). The NES port at least adds one, but it's a damsel in distress.
Bechdel test?FailNo women talk except in the NES port.
Strong person of color character?FailEvery human appears white. The NES port adds a Japanese NPC.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Uninvited
Japanese 悪魔の招待状 Akuma no Shotaijo The Devil's Invitation


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