Super Skateboardin'

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Super Skateboardin'

Super Skateboardin' - 7800 - USA.jpg

Atari 7800 - USA - 1st edition.

Developer Imagineering
Publisher Absolute Entertainment
Published 1988-12-??
Platforms Atari 7800
Genres Action, Maze, Platformer, Racing
Themes Cartoon, Sports
Series Skateboardin'
Distribution Commercial

Super Skateboardin' is a platformer racing video game developed by Imagineering and published by Absolute Entertainment for the Atari 7800 in December 1988. It is the second and final game in the Skateboardin' series.

In the game, you play as a skate-boarding teen who is trying to save energy by shutting off all the electrical appliances in a factory as quickly as possible. Your goal is to find the optimal route which not only turns everything off, but gets to the larger appliances first as they consume the most energy.


Won?Yes. Power: 3520, Time: 5:14:52.

I saw this game reviewed on Jeremy Parish's NES Works. Although the game didn't look very interesting, he mentioned it could be easily won, so I decided to play it to add it to my list. I would have beaten it on my first try, but I was curious what happened if you skate off the roof.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
3 4 4 2 3

Best Version: Atari 7800



  • Like most other racing games, you're just trying for a time attack. Since there is only one way to die, and the player will probably figure out how to avoid that on their first play through, the game can be beaten with very little effort. After that, you're just trying to find the optimal path and hone your abilities, which is not a very enjoyable.
  • Having to avoid all the appliances you've already turned off to not accidentally turn them back on, doesn't just not make sense, it's also not a fun mechanic.
  • Skateboarding is enjoyable because of the speed and interesting tricks. This game lack both, so the skateboarding aspect is just window dressing.


  • The audio, though it makes impressive technical use of the obsolete Television Interface Adapter, still sounds awful for 1988, and the music is very repetitive and grating.


Box Art



Review - NES Works.

Play Online

Atari 7800 (Europe), Atari 7800 (USA)


Strong female character?FailThe sole character is male.
Bechdel test?FailThere are no women.
Strong person of color character?FailThe sole character is white.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Role Staff
Designer, Programmer David Crane


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