Super Mario Bros. 2

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Super Mario Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros. 2 - NES - USA.jpg

NES - USA - 1st edition

Developer Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo
Published 1988-10-??
Platforms NES, PlayChoice-10
Genres Action, Platformer
Themes Action, Cartoon, Surreal
Series Mario, Super Mario Bros., Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic
Distribution Commercial

Super Mario Bros. 2 is an action platformer for the NES developed and published by Nintendo in October 1988. This game was not originally released as a Mario title and is instead a heavily-modified version of Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic, which was released in Japan on the Famicom Disk System in 1987. Nintendo chose not to released their actual Super Mario Bros. 2 in the USA and used this game instead. The game is very different from the original Super Mario Bros., but does have some familiar characters and mechanics.

In the game, Mario has a dream that he and his friends are in a strange world that was been taken over by an oppressive tyrant named Wart who they must defeat.


Own?Yes. Two loose US cartridges.
Won?Yes. No warps.

I don't remember when I first played Super Mario Bros. 2, but I think it was around 1990 after Super Mario Bros. 3 had already been released in the USA. I do remember not liking it very much when I first played it because it was so different from the other games. No goombas or koopas, no brick breaking or fire flowers, and you can't even stomp enemies? However, after I became more refined in my video game appreciation, I discovered that it's actually a very well-made game, and it has since grown on me a lot. It took me over 25 years from the point I first played it until I beat it.


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7 7 7 7 7

Best Version: NES

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • All of the upgrades from the original (more animated graphics, big and little character sprites, better jumping, the ability to run, improved music, additional boss, better slot machine, etc.) are all welcome.
  • The graphics are well-drawn and animated, especially the cartoonish enemy sprites which are adorable.
  • The existing level design is even more enjoyable with the modified characters. Many of the secret passages and short cuts that were especially difficult in the original are more accessible in this version. I especially like the idea of riding an enemy across a large chasm.
  • The music is really enjoyable. This version is even better than the original, and Koji Kondo's addition of the DPCM channel for drums is quite nice.
  • The original game requires you to finish each level with each character, so the choice doesn't really matter, but, in this version, it actually makes a difference to choose the character whose abilities best fit the level.


  • Player control is a little better with the more impressive jumping, but it's still not as good as it could be, and the ability to easily fall off ladders is still there.
  • For American players, the game has nothing to do with the Mario franchise. Nintendo tried to add some continuity by making the entire game a dream of Mario's, but that's lame. I hate it when companies force an unrelated game into an existing series for a quick buck.
  • It's possible in some maps to die jumping down a screen right over a vine/chain/ladder which you just came up, which is stupid.
  • Just like with the original, too much of the level design relies on memorization.


  • Nothing.


Box Art




See Video game font collection.

Fan Art


NES Complex.
Review - NES Works.
Son of a Glitch.
Speedrun explanation.

Play Online

Famicom Disk System


Strong female character?FailThe sole woman is a damsel in distress.
Bechdel test?FailThere is only one woman.
Strong person of color character?FailAll characters are white.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Strong female character?PassPeach is often viewed as the best playable character in the game.
Bechdel test?FailThere is only one woman in the game and she never speaks.
Strong person of color character?FailEvery human is white.
Queer character?PassBirdo is trans.

Game Design

This is my running commentary on the game design broken out by level.

Level Commentary
Intro Kind of a dull introduction, but it's nice to have a little bit of backstory to explain why the game is so utterly different from the original, nice tune as well. The player select is a great design decision, leading to more replay value as players test to see which player is best for which stage. It also allows them to purposely pick the worst players for an added challenge.
1-1 The designers wisely introduce the player to pretty much every game element in 1-1. There are also two shortcuts: a high-jumping character can use a tweeter so skip the cave, or, by jumping the pit in the cave and using bombs, you can skip the vine segment altogether and show up on the far side of Birdo. Really great level design, and I love the Above Ground tune.
1-2 There is a lot more to take in with 2-2; several more new game elements and enemies are introduced. Stealing Pidgit's magic carpet is a great idea, and creepy Phanto is one of my favorite enemies to hate. Again, a high-jumping character can use a Ninji to jump up to the next level and skip the cave, or avoid the ground all together by jumping from the magic carpet to the second level. The first level short cut, and this one also teach you that using shortcuts also makes you skip mushrooms.
1-3 Another great introduction. Players are trained that mushrooms aren't always near potions, and you'll often be expected to carry keys a long distance. Mouser is a great first boss. Not too difficult, but by no means easy. I like the graphics on the brickwork in his lair.
2-1 Again, several new enemies and game play elements. I love the dead-eyes of the Cobrat. The quicksand, is a nice touch, and so is watching a Shyguy sink in it. Having to dig your way through the sand in the pyramid while Shyguys fall on you was also a clever design. Birdo has become a bit scarier with pits on either side.
2-2 The second mushroom is well-designed, requiring the player to crouh jump with a bomb. The tall cactus near the end of the overworld is a nice trap. Weak jumpers have to use a crouch jump while also holding a bomb; a great anxiety inducer, and we see our first fiery Birdo.
2-3 More non-linear level design. The first mushroom is to the left of the starting ladder, and the room that's out of reach requires using a Beezo as a platform. Moving Phanto's key to the top of the dirt pit is hard work since it doesn't throw as expected here. Triclyde is a formidable foe.
3-1 Another secret; falling in the larger waterfall pit, which might happen accidentally, actually takes you to a cave where you can stock up on coins. There is also a nice aggravating spot where you have to steal Pidgit's magic carpet and quickly rise to a vine before it disappears. One more short cut requires a leap of faith to the left after climbing the vine to skip the Pansers. This fiery Birdo is harder still.
3-2 This stage makes clever use of a 2-level map on a single screen and I enjoy when the ending is teased at the beginning. It also has a particularly devious section where you have to use bombs to break through walls, but it requires having to take them a fair distance in order to do so. Luigi can jump one gap and skip a small section, but the Princess can span two and miss the harder bombing section.
3-3 The is the first maze level which requires a fair amount of back-tracking before you figure out the correct order. You often climb up a section only to find a platform too high to reach. I like that the designers put a Phanto at the top, tipping you off that you will need to get the key to proceed. There are a couple new enemies introduced, as well as the Shyguy spawners. Seeing Mouser again as a boss may seem like a let down, but like Birdo, he's become more powerful.
4-1 It's nice to see a whole new set of terrain and enemies this far into the game. The Flurry is an adorable enemy, and I love how their feet jiggle as they slide along the ice. This level also introduces the hilarious rocket pulled from the ground gag. Interestingly, rather than a Birdo for a boss, a complex set of enemies and tricky jumps is used, which changes things up.
4-2 Sliding around the Beezos is a nice way to incorporate the ice, and the whales are very creative. Lots of tricky jumps and maneuvering on ice makes this level pretty gripping. I also enjoy having to use an Autobomb to get over the spikes.
4-3 Having to ride Birdo's egg across a massive ravine was a clever idea, and the raining Flurrys is a nice use of their sliding abilities. I don't quite understand the purpose of the pit behind the Hawkmouth though. If you're confident you can beat Fryguy with only 3 hit points, the Princess can skip most of the level by jumping across the gap at the bottom of the two towers. Fryguy is another wonderful boss. You think you've got him and then he splits into unpredictable mini-Fryguys!
5-1 This is where the game really starts to become treacherous. This level has a lot of precision jumping (made easier by Luigi or the Princess), as well as a difficult-to-reach mushroom. Mercifully, it has a 1-up that isn't too difficult to reach. To top it off, the level ends with the ashen Birdo who only shoots fire!
5-2 More difficult jumps, hidden Bob-ombs, and a hard to reach mushroom. This level also has an annoying fall into a spiked pit where you have to memorize the fall, a cheap shot at the player. For the boss, while it doesn't seem like the Trouter would interfere much, it really does, and it's a nice addition.
5-3 Another hard stage to end this world! The unrelenting Bob-ombs being dropped from the Albatrosses create a little bit of difficulty at the beginning. A minor shortcut can be found by sliding over the Shyguy spawner inside the tree. The walking Pansers can be pretty nasty and is a nice improvement over the previous ones. Clawgrip is a nice new inventive boss.
6-1 This feels like a respite for me; a fairly easy level after the horrors of world 6. Most of this level is like 2-1, except for the walking Panser and the potion sinking in the quicksand kind of threw me off. The only real difficulty comes from the pot maze at the end, but once you memorize it, it's not a problem. They even give you a 1-up in case you botch it.
6-2 The difficulty is back with a vengeance! Riding the Albatrosses always gives me jitters. Being forced to back-track to reach the high-flying bird was a good idea, but forcing you to have to backtrack after getting the mushroom is rather cruel. Requiring some good acrobatics with the wall of Albatrosses after the mushroom is a nice addition of the difficulty, and topping it off with the relentless green Birdo is a nice way to end it. I like that they're still coming up with creative changes for Birdo.
6-3 Great use of quicksand here. Luigi can skip almost the entire level by riding Pokey back and hopping the wall, but it does leave you one hit point fewer at the end. The Bob-omb section would have been better if you couldn't just run past it. The wall-bombing area is quite tedious, requiring several tries to find out how to get the mushroom. I like that they finally added a complex vine puzzle, and the Hoopsters and Snifits make it a pretty tough section (especially with the poor controls causing inadvertent slipping). The close-quarters Birdo is nothing compared to the heavily active Tryclyde.
7-1 It's nice that the mushrooms are awarded early and easily, because this level requires some pretty difficult maneuvering. Again, you have to ride an Albatross over some pits and obstacles. The cloud floors area is particularly nasty, but by making good use of the cherries, you can get the star at just the right time to avoid taking a hit from the pink Shyguy at the bottom. If you don't get the star, you can still get past by ducking and taking a hit (you'll end up riding him instead). The gray Birdo is kind of old hat at this point.
7-2 This castle is a huge maze with a lot of difficult sections. I usually don't like big mazes, but they're forgivable when they're saved for the end level. This stage makes good use of conveyors, spawners, and split-level design. The Sparks are really highlighted, and using them in 1-block areas makes a interesting barrier. I really love how Birdo was re-purposed to hold a key in this stage. Using Hawkmouth as a mini-boss near the end was a great unexpected twist. The first time I faced Wart, I was using a Game Genie code which gave me infinite lives, and I found him to be practically impossible. However, when I faced him without infinite lives, I was especially careful about taking hits, and picked up his pattern pretty quickly, It's amazed me at how much a Game Genie ruins your ability to play properly.
Ending While the story is contrived, the ending is well made. I like seeing the player save the Subcons and there is wonderful music as you watch the white out-line scroll of the cast (with classic typos). It's nice to see a running tally of how many times you used each character as well, and what's better than the implied violent murder of Wart? The full-screen animation of Mario is technically impressive on the NES. My only gripe is that there aren't any developer credits.


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Super Mario Bros. 2
Japanese スーパーマリオ ブイエスエー Supa Mario Buiesue Super Mario USA
  • MAME code: pc_smb2


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