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Pinstripe - Steam - World.jpg

Steam - World - Title card.

Developer Atmos Games
Publisher Armor Games
Published 2017-04-24
Platforms Linux, Macintosh, PlayStation 4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One
Genres Action-adventure, Active puzzle, Metroidvania, Platformer, Platform shooter, Puzzle, Shooter
Themes Horror, Religious fiction, Surreal, Suspense
Distribution Commercial

Pinstripe is a horror-themed Metroidvania with various puzzle elements developed by Atmos Games and published by Armor Games for Linux, Macintosh, and Windows on 2017-04-24, and then later ported to the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Switch. The game uses a typical side-view platformer display and incorporates many action and puzzle elements.

In the game's story, you play a minister in the early 1900s riding on a train with his daughter. However, you quickly realize that all your baggage has been thrown off the train and the only other passenger is a creepy man in a pinstripe suit who has a strange interest in your daughter, Bo. The strange man kidnaps your daughter and is more than he initially appears to be, having dark supernatural powers causing the train to crash. You are left alone in a cold bleak wilderness looking for your daughter.


Own?Yes. On Steam.
Won?Yes. Initial game and new game plus. 9/12 achievements.

I bought this game as part of a Humble Bundle. I played it because the graphics looked really interesting. I beat the game then played it again to unlock more achievements. It was quite enjoyable.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
7 4 8 7 7

Best Version: Windows

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The game has enjoyable characters. George is a funny sidekick and Pinstripe is wonderful villain. Mr. Dicky, Birdie, Happy, and the others all have their moments as well.
  • I enjoy the story. It's dark, mysterious, and has a good climax and ending.
  • The art style is fantastic, the graphics are beautiful, and the user interface is clean.
  • There is nice ambient music and sound effects throughout the game and the voice acting is really good.
  • There is a decent variety of puzzles throughout the game including multiple forms of physics-based puzzles, word jumbles, spot the difference, a couple observation puzzles, jumping puzzles, and reflex puzzles. Nothing unique or too difficult, but still enjoyable.
  • The game includes a new game plus with unlocked content and multiple endings which makes a second play-through worthwhile.


  • The controls to shoot the slingshot with an analog joystick are quite cumbersome, using a mouse is vastly easier. When slingshot accuracy is necessary, you're much better off simply switching to your mouse and keyboard, but, if you're playing on a video game console, you're out of luck! This hurts the game a second way because the designer no doubt had to make the game much easier to accommodate people stuck with an analog joystick, so, if you're using the mouse, you'll have less of a challenge. For example, the red balloon race and the battle with Pinstripe are extremely difficult with analog joysticks, but trivial with a mouse.
  • The game's story is about redemption: Ted the minister got drunk on Pinstripe whiskey, crashed his car, and killed himself and his daughter Bo. After spending some time in hell, and confronting the manifestation of Pinstripe, you're reunited with your family. However, your actions in the afterlife aren't all that redeeming. You rescue Birdie, George, and Bo from Pinstripe, but that's about it. What I would have liked to see, since the game features several other substance abusers, is a way to help them kick their habits as well. Instead, you have to give Happy a huge supply of drugs ensuring he'll be stuck in hell forever.
  • The game could have taken advantage of a random number generator for the three combination locks, or random words from a list of possibilities for the jumbles. This would have made the game more realistic than simply preventing a player who already knows the correct answer from being able to open the locks until they find the necessary clues.


  • When using the D-pad or analog joystick for left and right movement, you stop moving if you your direction changes to an angled up or down. This is especially annoying because it will often halt your momentum at very inopportune times, even mid-jump! I can only assume the game wasn't play-tested very well with a gamepad to let such a control problem slip through the cracks.


Box Art

The game wasn't released on physical media. The digital covers have several variations on a common theme.




Strong female character?FailThere are a couple women, but none are important.
Bechdel test?FailNo women speak to each other.
Strong person of color character?FailThe game uses an cartoon style, but every human appear to be white.
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


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