Neal Stephenson

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Neal Stephenson.

Neal Town Stephenson (born 1959-10-31) is an American author known mostly for his historical fiction and techno thriller novels, but has also published several non-fiction works. His works tend to be on the cerebral side with subjects like mathematics, physics, and cryptography playing prominent roles.


Stephenson is one of my favorite authors. The first book I read of his was Snow Crash which was lent to me by a friend who assured me I would like it, and I did. I have since read several more of his books and enjoyed each of them. I've enjoyed every book of Stephenson's that I've read and found them to also be informative. However, his books tend to be much longer than they need to be; he could really use an editor who takes a firm stance against padding. Stephenson's books also also bro-fests that focus almost entirely on men and, when women play important roles in his stories, they're usually raped or abused.



Title Released Rating Rank Own?
The Big U 1984-??-??
Zodiac 1988-05-?? Rating-6.svg 8
Snow Crash 1992-06-?? Rating-7.svg 6
Interface (with George Jewsbury) 1994-04-?? Rating-5.svg 9
The Diamond Age 1995-02-?? Rating-8.svg 5
The Cobweb (with George Jewsbury) 1996-??-??
Cryptonomicon 1999-05-?? Rating-9.svg 4
Quicksilver 2003-09-23 Rating-9.svg 1 Hardcover, US 1st edition
The Confusion 2004-04-13 Rating-9.svg 2 Hardcover, US 1st edition
The System of the World 2004-09-21 Rating-9.svg 3 Hardcover, US 1st edition
Anathem 2008-09-09 Rating-6.svg 7 Hardcover, US 1st edition
The Mongoliad (with Greg Bear) 2010-2012
Reamde 2011-09-11 Hardcover, US 1st edition
Seveneves 2015-05-19
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. (with Nicole Galland) 2017-06-13
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell 2019-06-04
New Found Land: The Long Haul (with Austin Grossman and Sean Stewart) 2021-06-10
Termination Shock 2021-11-16

Non-Fiction, Essays, and Articles

Title Year Rating Rank Own?
Smiley's people 1993-09-13
In the Kingdom of Mao Bell 1994-11-02
Mother Earth Mother Board 1996-??-??
Global Neighborhood Watch 1998-??-??
In the Beginning... Was the Command Line 1999-11-??
Communication Prosthetics: Threat, or Menace? 2001-??-??
Turn on, Tune in, Veg Out 2005-06-17
It's All Geek to Me 2007-03-18
Atoms of Cognition: Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715–2010 2010-11-02
Space Stasis 2011-02-02
Innovation Starvation 2011-??-??
Some Remarks: Essays and Other Writing 2012-??-??

Short Fiction

Title Year Rating Rank Own?
Spew 1994-??-??
The Great Simoleon Caper 1995-03-01
Tribes of the Pacific Coast 1995-??-??
Jipi and the Paranoid Chip 1997-07-07 Rating-5.svg 1
Atmosphæra Incognita 2013-??-??




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