Microsoft Entertainment Pack 3

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Microsoft Entertainment Pack 3

Microsoft Entertainment Pack 3 - WIN3 - USA.jpg

Windows 3 - USA - 1st edition.

Developer Various
Publisher Microsoft
Published 1991-??-??
Platforms Windows 3
Genres Compilation
Series Microsoft Entertainment Pack
Distribution Commercial

Microsoft Entertainment Pack 3 is a compilation video game consisting of seven games and a screensaver developed and published by Microsoft for Windows 3 in 1991. This is the third title in the series. The various games were made by a variety of developers and included the following:

Title Game Type Developer
Fuji Golf Golf game Chiki Nagai
IdleWild (8 new screensavers) Screen saver Bradford Christian
Klotski Sliding block puzzle ZH Computer
LifeGenesis Conway's Game of Life Jim Horne
SkiFree Action game Chris Pirih
TetraVex Tile placement game Scott Ferguson
TriPeaks Tri Peaks solitaire A RHogue Child
WordZap Word game Michael F. C. Crick


Won?See individual game pages.

I never owned Entertainment Pack 3, and I don't think I even even knew anyone who had it at the time, but I've since played most of the games in the pack. I have beat TriPeaks, LifeGenesis on all difficulties, and TetraVex at 6x6 with 10 digits.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
3 4 4 1 6

Best Version: Windows 3

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • There is a fairly decent assortment of games. A card game, two sports games, a word game, and some puzzle games.
  • Even though it was rare at the time, some of the programs take into account display sizes beyond 640x480 resolution.


  • None of the games have much depth.
  • The programs are lacking media being mostly devoid of music, sound effects, and animation.
  • Although several of the games could have easily benefited from multiplayer, they're mostly single player games.


  • Nothing.



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