Metroid: Hissho Tekunikku Kan Peki-ban

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The Metroid: Perfect Strategy Guide is a manga and strategy guide for the NES game Metroid published in Japan by Wanpakku Comics in 1986. It is volume 10 of the Famicom Perfect Strategy Guide series. The comic is written as a complete walkthrough of Metroid. It provides backstory, describes each enemy and power-up, has detailed maps, and reveals secrets and useful strategies, all through a fully-illustrated 192-page comic book.

I didn't learn about this comic until 2018, but I was very impressed by it when I saw it. It still amazes me how much work the Japanese put into their video games even as early as 1986. Although the quality belies a manga clearly intended for children, the length of the manga and how closely it ties to the game is mind-blowing.





