Master of Magic

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Master of Magic

Master of Magic - DOS - USA.jpg

MS-DOS - USA - 1st edition.

Developer Simtex
Publisher MicroProse Software
Published 1994-09-??
Platforms DOS, PlayStation, NEC PC-9800
Genres Management simulator, Strategy, Turn-based strategy
Themes Fantasy, War
Distribution Commercial

Master of Magic is a turn-based strategy video game with a fantasy theme. It was developed by Simtex and published by MicroProse Software for MS-DOS in September 1994.

Like Civilization, over-world exploration takes place in a square grid, and new units are built in towns which can be upgraded. However, unlike Civ, combat takes place in an isometric grid and has many units, heroes, and spells.


Won?Yes. Multiple times on normal difficulty.

While I may have seen it advertised in gaming magazines, I didn't play Master of Magic when it came out. Instead, I found it reviewed on the Internet, probably Home of the Underdogs, and it looked fun so I played it.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
7 6 7 5 8

Best Version: MS-DOS

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • I like how you can customize your character's starting magic affiliation and spell abilities.
  • There is a very wide assortment of different units, races, and spells to keep things exciting.
  • You can recruit heroes who can cast spells, raise levels, and carry powerful artifacts.
  • The art and animation is quite nice.
  • The music, while pretty lo-fi, makes a very fine backdrop.
  • I like the variety in the wizard portraits; several races and sexes are included.


  • The AI has some pretty big flaws.
    • They build ships in tiny ponds.
    • Casters will often cast spells that don't help at all, like create mud on units behind walls.
    • Casters will cast non-stacking enchantments on units that already have them.
  • Heroes and champions are cool, but even at their highest levels and when fully equipped, they're out-classed by the powerful regular units.
  • The interface is well designed, but its speed is a little clunky.


  • For some strange reason, the game lacks multiplayer! Not even hot seat.






Play Online

MS-DOS (France), MS-DOS (Germany), MS-DOS (USA)


Strong female character?PassYou can play as one of the female wizards: Sharee, Freya, Ariel, Kali.
Bechdel test?PassIf playing as a female, you can talk to other female wizards.
Strong person of color character?PassYou can play as Raven (North American), Sharee (African), Lo Pan (Chinese), Jafar (Arabic), Tlaloc (Mesoamerican)
Queer character?FailThere are no queer characters.


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Master of Magic
French Maître de la Magie Maitre de la Magie Master of Magic
Japanese シヴィザード 魔術の系譜 Shivuizado ~ Majutsu no Keifu Civizard: The Magical Genealogy


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