Kenji Murata

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Kenji Murata is a Japanese illustrator who worked closely with Nintendo and Work House illustrating various video game hint books and magazines.


Publication Date Credit Name
Ultima: Exodus - Hint Book 1989-??-?? Illustrator Kenji Murata
Nintendo Player's Guide - NES Game Atlas 1991-??-?? Illustrator Kenji Murata
Nintendo Player's Guide - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 1993-??-?? Illustrator Kenji Murata
高校物理雑記帳―「実験」と「工作」のアイデア満載! [Koko Butsuri Zakki Cho "Jikken" To "Kosaku" no Aidea Mansai!] 2011-03-01 Author Kenji Murata
