Hi Tech Expressions

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Hi Tech Expressions logo.

Hi Tech Expressions was an American video game publisher based in New York. The company was founded in 1986 and primarily published video games licensed from children's entertainment and television shows. They also published a handful home computer ports of popular games first released on video game consoles. Hi Tech Expressions didn't develop their own games, instead, they bought the license to publish games from other companies, hired small development teams to make the games, and got the games on retail shelves and in advertisements. Although the company published over 65 games in less than a decade, they must have not made very much money doing so because they went bankrupt around 1995.


I remember seeing the Hi Tech Expressions logo a few times, but, since I was too old to be interested in most of their games, I never bought any. Every so often, I would play a game at the house of a friend who owned one of the games they published, but I was never impressed. While searching for old games I may have missed, I played several of the games they published, but never liked any of them. I'm actually surprised the company lasted as long as it did, but I guess the licensing paid off for a while.


There aren't any games released by Hi Tech Expressions that are important to me, but here are some I have played. For all games published by Hi Tech Expressions see the category.



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