Gender spectrum

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The biological complexities of gender.

Gender spectrum is a term used to describe the complexity of human gender and sexual characteristics. While people tend to use binary terms like man/woman, female/male, feminine/masculine, or penis/vagina to neatly label a person's gender or sex, none of these terms can encompass all aspects of a person's gender, especially in how it pertains to various human cultures.


This is a collection of common terms relating to gender.

  • Assigned gender - A gender that is assigned to a person by society, usually during fetal development or at birth.
  • Cisgender / Transgender - A distinction based on whether a person's gender identity matches their assigned gender. Cisgender matches, transgender does not.
  • Female / Male - Typically a distinction based on a person's outer genitalia regardless of their gender expression or identity.
  • Feminine / Masculine - A distinction of behaviors, characteristics, interests, etc. as they are applied to women or men by a culture.
  • Gender - The range of characteristics used to describe and differentiate a person's gender identity, gender expression, gender role, and sex.
  • Gender identity - The gender terms a person prefers to use to identify their gender.
  • Gender expression - Physical expressions that a society applies to gender. This can be sub-divided into behaviors, mannerisms, and appearance.
  • Gender role - The gender role a person generally fills in their society.
  • Genetics - The underlying chromosomal and genetic makeup of a person. Two chromosomes makeup the basic sexual differences in humans, X and Y, which can exist in about a dozen different combinations, although XX and XY are the two most common. In addition to chromosomes, there are several genes and hormones which play a strong role in physical formation.
  • Intersex - A blanket term for anyone whose physical sex cannot be neatly described as male or female. This includes people with Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, Androgen insensitivity syndrome, and various other outcomes.
  • Man / Woman - An informal term typically used to distinguish people based on the role they fill in their society primarily influenced by their external sexual organs.
  • Sex - A category typically determined by a person's sexual organs. The two most common are male (described by a penis and testes) or female (described by a vulva, vagina, uterus, and ovaries), however, there are many other possibilities often included in a single group called intersex.
  • Sexual preference - The types of people a person is sexually attracted to. Although this doesn't either describe or prescribe a person's gender, people often include it because it is strongly influenced by those genes which affect a person's sexual organs.


Not everyone accepts that gender is a spectrum. From my experience, this is due to having spent very little time trying to learn about it, either because of a conservative political allegiance, religious affiliation, or simply not caring because it doesn't affect them. The following are criticisms I have encountered and my counter argument for each.

The word "gender" traditionally refers only to male or female

Usage of the word "sex" on US government documents.

Traditionally, the word used to describe someone as male or female is "sex." The diagram to the right shows official US government documents, both modern and historic, all of which use male or female in a category called "sex."

The word "gender" comes from the Latin genus and was originally used to refer to any generic categorization. It became associated with human sex later when grammarians used the word "gender" to describe various word forms such as animate/inanimate, active/passive, or, most important to this topic, masculine/feminine/neuter. It wasn't until around the 1960s that it became popular in academic circles to use the word "gender" to refer to a person's sex, and decades later for the general public take up its usage.

Part of the reason why academics began preferring "gender" over "sex" is because it more accurately represents what they were talking about. While the public may be content distilling a person down to what's between their legs, academics need to talk about a person's biology, behavior, how they feel, how a culture views them, and various other aspects that go beyond their sex organs. Traditionally, the word "sex" has referred only to the outer sex organs in a binary fashion, while "gender" has had more options. For example, in the English language, gender-specific pronouns include "he" for masculine, "she" for feminine, "it" for neuter, and there is a growing trend of using "they" when gender is unknown or ambiguous.

The words "masculine" and "feminine" themselves are usually viewed as a spectrum as well. For example, it's common to view boxing as more masculine than golf, but both activities are still viewed as masculine. As "gender" became more popular in academic circles, the general public began to adopt its usage.

Gender should only describe a person's sex organs

Such a system would cause several additional problems. Which sex organs should determine a person's gender? Just the external? Just the internal? Both? Does a person need a full complement of sex organs? Is a woman still a woman after a hysterectomy which removes the majority of her sex organs? Is a man still a man if they have sexual reassignment surgery which removes their testes and converts their penis and scrotum into a vagina and labia? The typical response to this is to move the argument back to chromosomes and genetics, which has it's own problems.

Gender should only describe a person's chromosomes

There are no biological metrics that always match a person's genetics, chromosomes, and sexual organs. For example, a person can be born with XX chromosomes, but have an SRY gene, which causes them to grow a penis and testes that often don't function. Is this person male or female?

Until just the past couple decades, when scientists learned how to measure chromosomes and genes, such a person could live their entire life with everyone in their society thinking they're a man because their outer sex organs, but, according to this criticism, they would be the "wrong" gender.

Most people are born with sex organs typical of their chromosomes, genes, and hormones, but biologists estimate that around 4% of the world's population have sex organs that are atypical of the rest of their biology, which comes to some several million people.

We need to know a person's gender to separate them in society

Rarely is this criticism stated in such a clear way (it's usually worded to involve bathrooms and insults), but this is a valid criticism. Most human cultures segregate men and women when it comes to being nude or partially nude (bathrooms, locker room, changing rooms, etc.) and when it comes to athletics. In order to maintain these societal norms, an agreed upon demarcation must be set.

Trans men.

The four people to the right were assigned a female gender at birth, but underwent surgery and hormone therapy to alter their biology and are now indistinguishable from cis-gender men in their society unless you see them nude. However, their transition took years and it raises some important questions. If they wanted to take part in professional sports, at what point should they be excluded from a women's competition and allowed in the men's? At which point should they be excluded from the women's locker room and allowed into the men's? The same questions could be asked for men transitioning to women, or for people who maintain an ambiguous gender.

However, this is not a new societal problem, ambiguous gender has always been an issue, and every culture has come up with different ways of dealing with it or ignoring it. For example, the International Olympic Committee has rules set in place for how a transgender person can compete.
