Final Fantasy Adventure

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Final Fantasy Adventure titled Seiken Densetsu in Japan is an action adventure RPG, and the first game in the Mana Series.



  • The graphics are wonderful for a Game Boy game, and the designers created a lot of the monster templates that would later be used in Secret of Mana.


  • The fact that you interact with NPCs and objects by walking into them was a terrible design choice that causes no end of frustration throughout the game. NPCs routinely get in the way, treasure chests block your path, etc.
  • I find the inventory system to be too limited. Sure, it's necessary to prevent the player from having 10,000 cures, but the designers could have created a cap on each item, rather than limit the slots. You end up running out of keys and mattocks requiring you to backtrack too often.
  • The hit detection is a little off, and you get hit by enemies when it doesn't seem like they should be able to hit you.


  • Nothing really, this game is pretty solid.
