Feminist Frequency

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Feminist Frequency logo.

Feminist Frequency is the Internet show of the Feminist Frequency Web site. The show is often hosted by Feminist Frequency founder Anita Sarkeesian and co-hosts, Carolyn Petit and Ebony Adams. The show's goal is to educate the public on feminist matters. It does this by reviewing pop cultural mediums like films, video games, and books, by discussing the work of significant women, through political commentary, and by detailing sexist terminology. The show became especially famous for its series Tropes vs Women In Video Games which sparked a huge outrage from male gamers who orchestrated a large harassment campaign against Sarkeesian even before the first episode was made.

I think I may have seen some Feminist Frequency videos prior to Sarkeesian's Tropes vs Women In Video Games, but I know the channel became regular viewing for me as the episodes were being published because both video games and feminism are important to me. Although I'm not a big fan of the show's Podcast, I especially like the episodes where the hosts describe sexist terminology that I'm unfamiliar with.


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