Dizzy Up the Girl

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Dizzy Up the Girl

Goo Goo Dolls - Dizzy Up the Girl.jpg

CD - USA - first edition.

Artist Goo Goo Dolls
Published 1998-09-22
Type Studio
Genre Alternative rock
Themes Relationships

Dizzy Up the Girl is the sixth studio album by the Goo Goo Dolls. It was published on CD on 1998-09-22 and and produced by the Goo Goo Dolls and Rob Cavallo. The songs are mostly alternative rock and they mostly deal with relationships.


Own?Yes. CD.

I became a fan of the Goo Goo Dolls after ascribing the song Iris to a girl I was crushing on at the time, and I had also heard a couple of their other songs from movies and TV shows. This led me to buying Dizzy Up the Girl, and I liked it enough to buy other albums by the band.

I gave this album a lot of play, so hearing the songs evoke a lot of memories from the late 1990s and early 2000s. It was my favorite album at the time.

Track Listing

Track Title Composers Lead Vocals Rank Rating
01 Dizzy Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 7 Rating-5.svg
02 Slide Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 6 Rating-6.svg
03 Broadway Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 3 Rating-8.svg
04 January Friend Robby Takac Robby Takac 11 Rating-4.svg
05 Black Balloon Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 4 Rating-7.svg
06 Bullet Proof Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 5 Rating-6.svg
07 Amigone Robby Takac Robby Takac 10 Rating-4.svg
08 All Eyes on Me Johnny Rzeznik, Robby Takac, Mike Malinin Johnny Rzeznik 9 Rating-5.svg
09 Full Forver Robby Takac Robby Takac 12 Rating-4.svg
10 Acoustic #3 Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 2 Rating-8.svg
11 Iris Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 1 Rating-8.svg
12 Extra Pale Robby Takac Robby Takac 13 Rating-3.svg
13 Hate This Place Johnny Rzeznik Johnny Rzeznik 8 Rating-5.svg

The album's total score is 588.


Album Art


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