Crunch (graphic novel)

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Crunch - Paperback - USA - 1st Edition.jpg

Paperback - USA - 1st edition.

Author Kayla Miller
Published 2022-08-30
Type Fiction, Comics
Genre Drama
Themes Childhood, Friendship, School
Age Group Children

Crunch is a children's graphic novel written and illustrated by Kayla Miller and published on 2022-08-30. It is the fifth book in the Click series.

The book follows Olive Branche as she tries to balance guitar lessons, reforming the school's dress code, making a movie for a contest, and helping her friend through Berry Scouts, all on top of her normal school work. Having taken on too many responsibilities, Olive is constantly in crunch mode, so she must learn how to pace herself before she gets burned out.


Read?Paperback, USA.

My daughter Gabby randomly picked this book out at our library and wanted to check it out. Over the next couple weeks, I read it to my daughters.




— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The art is drawn well and consistent through the whole book.
  • Pacing yourself and not accepting too much responsibility is an important topic for kids to learn. After we finished the book, my daughter Iliana told me that she was in "crunch mode" during a long busy day, and I thought it was adorable.
  • In a medium that sees so many comic books written for boys, I appreciate the fact that this is about girls and for girls.
  • I like that Olive gets frustrated with other people who don't put forth the same level of enthusiasm or commitment as she does, but, at the same time, she also feels bad when she's unable to give her all for her friends.
  • Olive's aunt Molly appears to have a crush on Olive's guitar teacher. There is nothing explicit, but I appreciate that it's there.
  • Some of the Berry Scouts puns are great.


  • While the book is fine, as an adult, I didn't find it all that interesting. I'm sure I would have liked it more if I had read it when I was a kid.


  • Nothing.


Strong female character?PassOlive is assertive and confident, but learns about her limits. Willow is shy, but comes out of her shell.
Bechdel test?PassThere are several named women who talk about a variety of things.
Strong person of color character?PassOlive's guitar teacher is helpful but doesn't accept excuses. There is also racial variety in the background characters.
Queer character?PassThere is subtext between Aunt Molly and Olive's guitar teacher, but nothing explicit.

