Checkers (Channel F)

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Checkers - CF - USA.jpg

Checkers - USA - 1st edition.

Developer Fairchild Camera and Instrument
Publisher Zircon International
Published 1978-??-??
Platforms Channel F
Genres Board game, Single-screen, Strategy, Turn-based strategy
Distribution Commercial

Checkers is a video game version of checkers developed by Fairchild Camera and Instrument and published by Zircon International for the Channel F in 1978. The game only supports human versus AI at a single levels of difficulty, and, while it isn't very good, it is the first adaption of checkers for a home video game console. Over a dozen other checkers games were made prior to it, but they were released on computers. In this version, the computer plays green and always goes first, while the player plays red. Not very many copies were made of this game, so it's prized among collectors.


Won?Yes. Only lost one piece.

Wanting to learn more about the games released on the Channel F, I started playing various titles. Seeing that this one had an AI, I decided to try and beat it. I was curious to see what AI options the game had, but disappointed to see there was only one possible option. Not long after I started, I was a bit shocked to discover that I not only won on my first attempt, but only lost a single piece! The second time I played, I won by force without losing a single piece!


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
2 3 2 1 2

Best Version: Channel F


  • The game competently simulates a standard game of checkers.
  • For such a weak system, the AI is acceptable, at least for children.


  • Without any difficulty settings, there is no way to further challenge yourself if the AI is too weak, which it probably will be.


  • The game is just checkers. Other than the weak AI, there is nothing special here. It would be far more cost-effective to buy a cheap board and play against an actual person.
  • The graphics are pretty awful.
  • The only sound is an annoying tocking while the AI is calculating its next move. There isn't a sound for jumping, kinging, or even winning or losing.


Box Art


Checkers was packaged with a printed manual, but I can't find one online.




Play Online

Channel F


Strong female character?FailThis game doesn't have characters.
Bechdel test?FailThis game doesn't have characters.
Strong person of color character?FailThis game doesn't have characters.
Queer character?FailThis game doesn't have characters.


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