Cave Story

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Cave Story

Cave Story - STEAM - Title Card.jpg

Steam - World - Title card.

Developer Studio Pixel
Publisher Studio Pixel
Published 2004-12-20
Platforms Amiga, Dreamcast, GP2X, GP2X Wiz, Linux, Macintosh, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSi, Windows
Genres Action, Action-adventure, Metroidvania, Platform shooter, Platformer, Shooter
Themes Adventure, Cartoon, Science fiction
Distribution Commercial, Freeware

Cave Story is a Metroidvania game developed and published by Studio Pixel on 2004-12-20 for Windows. The original version is now freeware, but the plus version is still commercial.

Your character finds himself in an underground cave system amid intelligent bunny-like characters who are being abducted and enslaved by an evil doctor from the surface. You quickly become mixed up in the scheme and try your best to save them.


Own?Yes. Cave Story+ on Steam.
Won?Yes. Easy difficulty. 35/76 achievements.

My friend Cody introduced me to the game, and I played it only enough to beat Balrog in the first encounter. I put it down for quite awhile after that, but eventually picked it back up and played it through properly.


Video Game Review Icon - Enjoyment.png Video Game Review Icon - Control.png Video Game Review Icon - Appearance.png Video Game Review Icon - Sound.png Video Game Review Icon - Replayability.png
8 8 7 10 6

Best Version: Cave Story+ for Windows

— This section contains spoilers! —


  • The story is like an exciting cartoon.
  • Daisuke Amaya's music is wonderful, especially with the remastered music in Cave Story+.
  • The graphics and art are really quite beautiful, again, even better in the upgrade.
  • The fact that the low-res game is free is also a bonus.


  • While they packed an awful lot into the game, it still feels too short.
  • In easy mode at least, most of the bosses are -very- easy and can be defeated with the following strategy: Switch to missiles, get close, shoot rapidly, boss dies.


  • Nothing. A well-made game all-around.



Graphic Sheets

Fan Art


Did You Know Gaming? - Indie Games.

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Strong female character?PassCurly Brace is a strong heroine.
Bechdel test?UnknownI don't know if the women ever talk to each other.
Strong person of color character?PassThere are several Japanese people, a couple of which are strong.
Queer character?FailThere don't appear to be any queer characters.


Language Native Transliteration Translation
English Cave Story
Japanese 洞窟物語 Dokutsu Monogatari Cave Story


Cave Story+ is a remastered version which adds high resolution graphics, remixed music, and a new menus system.


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