Below the Root

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Below the Root

Below the Root - C64 - USA.jpg

Commodore 64 - USA - 1st edition.

Developer Dale Disharoon
Publisher Windham Classics
Published 1984-??-??
Platforms Apple II, Commodore 64, PC Booter, IBM PCjr
Genres Action-adventure, Adventure, Exploration, Metroidvania, Platformer
Distribution Commercial

Below the Root is a platform adventure video game with a fantasy theme developed by Dale Disharoon and published by Windham Classics in 1984 for the Commodore 64, Apple II, and PC Booter. The game is based on Zilpha Keatley Snyder's book series, The Green-Sky Trilogy and is considered an official sequel to the series canon. It is an early pioneer of what would later be known as the Metroidvania genre, though it lacks most of the action elements.



I heard about this game because it was listed as a major inspiration for Seiklus, a game I really enjoyed. I looked up the game and found it to be pretty impressive looking, but I've never actually played it.


I haven't played this game enough to fairly review it. But it's important to note that using the machete on another animal or person puts the game in an unwinnable state.


Box Art




Longplay, Commodore 64.


Strong female character?PassYou can play as a female heroine.
Bechdel test?PassWhen playing as a female, there are numerous other women you can talk to.
Strong person of color character?FailThe characters are not human, though they all look white.
Queer character?FailAs far as I know, there are no queer characters.


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