
Adventure is a theme in fiction where characters leave the comforts of their normal life to visit new places and meet new people, usually resulting in a richer more nuanced perspective of life in the process.
Some of the earliest media I remember experiencing were adventures, and they left a lasting impression on me. I remember seeing films like Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Dune when I was around five years old. My mother would also read to me bedtime stories which incorporated a lot of adventure, and among the earliest video games I played, I tended to gravitate the most to those with a lot of adventure elements. This didn't change as I got older, and, though I was quite shy as a child, I always romanticized over the idea of going on adventures.
This is a list of adventure media that is important to me. For more titles, see the category.
Title | Released | Media Type |
Aladdin | 1992-11-25 | Film |
Back to the Future | 1985-07-03 | Film |
The Baroque Cycle (series) | 1997-07-07 | Books |
Beauty and the Beast | 1991-09-29 | Film |
Bionic Commando (NES) | 1988-07-20 | Video Game |
Chrono Trigger | 1995-03-11 | Video Game |
Dune | 1965-08-?? | Book |
Final Fantasy VI | 1994-04-02 | Video Game |
The Goonies | 1985-06-07 | Film |
Half-Life (series) | 1998-11-19 | Video Games |
Harry Potter (series) | 1997-06-26 | Books |
Hitchhiker's Guide (series) | 1978-03-08 | Multiple |
Howl's Moving Castle | 2004-09-05 | Film |
The Goats | 1990-07-01 | Book |
Good Omens | 1990-05-01 | Book |
Indiana Jones (series) | 1981-06-12 | Films |
Kiki's Delivery Service | 1989-07-29 | Film |
King's Quest (series) | 1984-05-10 | Video Games |
The Last of the Mohicans | 1992-08-26 | Film |
The Legend of Zelda (series) | 1986-02-21 | Multiple |
The Lion King | 1994-06-15 | Film |
The Little Mermaid | 1989-09-17 | Film |
Loom | 1990-01-?? | Video Game |
The Lord of the Rings (series) | 2001-12-10 | Films |
Metroid (series) | 1986-08-06 | Video Games |
Mulan | 1998-06-19 | Film |
The Neverending Story | 1984-04-06 | Film |
Neverwhere | 1996-09-16 | Book |
Pirates of the Caribbean (series) | 2003-06-28 | Films |
The Princess Bride | 1987-09-25 | Film |
Secret of Mana | 1993-08-06 | Video Game |
Shadowgate | 1987-07-30 | Video Game |
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge | 1987-11-14 | Video Game |
Stand by Me | 1986-08-08 | Film |
Star Trek | 1966-09-08 | TV Series |
Star Trek: The Next Generation | 1987-09-28 | TV Series |
Star Wars (series) | 1997-05-25 | Films |
Super Mario World | 1990-11-21 | Video Game |
Where the Red Fern Grows | 1961-??-?? | Book |
A Wrinkle in Time | 1962-??-?? | Book |