Game: Classes

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There are two main variations of the game Classes. All of the variations can be simplified to use different damage rules, but there are special rules that are normally used for this game:

Any hit to a limb does one damage, unless there is a special ability saying otherwise.

Any hit to the torso does one damage, unless there is a special ability saying otherwise.

Unless the class has a special amount of health, taking two damage to a limb renders it useless.

Unless the class has a special amount of health, taking three damage to the torso kills you.

Losing two limbs kills you.

(Optional)Any head or neck shot kills you instantly.


The classes that are in this game are as follows:

Class Limb Health Torso Health Special Ability Weapons
Assassin 1 2 Poison Blade Shortsword
Tank 4 6 None Greatsword (4+ feet) and door shield
Soldier 2 3 None Sword and shield
Ranger 2 3 Robin Hood Ranged and dagger
Warrior 2 3 None Two swords
Evangelist 2 2 Conversion Dagger
Mage 2 3 Spell Dagger

Special Abilities

Poison Blade: Any hit to any valid part of the enemy's body kills them instantly, regardless of their remaining health.

Robin Hood: Any hit to the torso does 3 damage. Other shots do normal damage.

Conversion: The player stands still and waves arms up and down, with the top point having the arms raised directly overhead, and the bottom point having the arms down by the sides. After waving the arms up and down five times, they may point at another player and that player is now on their team. In Teams, this means that that player joins their team. In Deathmatch, converting another player makes them protect you at all costs. A converted player must join the Evangelist's team if they are converted, and must protect the Evangelist, even to the piont of death.

Spell: To use the spell, the Mage points at an enemy player with one hand and starts waving their other arm up and down, like the Evangelist does with Conversion. While the Mage is pointing at their target and waving their other arm up and down, neither the Mage nor the target can move. If the Mage successfully waves their arm ten times, their target must drop their weapon.


The Deathmatch variation is for 2-10 players. Each player chooses a class. All players spread out (this is especially important if there is at least one ranger). When the player initiating the game says "Lay on", all players begin fighting in an every-man-for-himself style. Temporary alliances are allowed, but there can only be one winner, so those alliances will have to be broken at some point. The last man alive wins.


The Team variation is for 10+ players. The players split into two or more teams. Each player should wear something signifying which team they are on. Each team must have at least one member of each class, unless there aren't enough players to do so, in which case each team may not have more than one player of each class. Before the game begins, each player must choose their class. At the beginning of the game, the two teams stand on opposite ends of the playing field. Upon a signal to begin, the two teams may start attacking each other. Each player must keep track of how much damage he has taken to each area of his body at any given time. When one team is out of players, the other team wins.

As a variation

Using Classes as a variation on the battle system for other games can greatly increase how fun they are. For example, capture the flag with the battle system from Classes can add an extra level of depth to the game.